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Sarmsoft Resume Builder

Un programma che si rivelerà molto utile per coloro che sono attivamente alla ricerca di un impiego di lavoro e desiderano spedire curriculum vitae redatti in modo professionale.
Il software mette a disposizione ben 15 diversi stili e numerosi template che potranno essere adattati in pochi minuti alle proprie esigenze, al tipo di lavoro che si stà cercando e ai destinatari della richiesta da effettuare.
Sarmsoft Resume Builder permette di creare C.V. in Italiano, Tedesco, Inglese etc. e supporta l'esportazione in HTML, documenti per Microsoft Word, HR-XML, e semplici file di testo.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
Are you actively looking for a job, and need to send your resume to prospective employers? Have your Curriculum Vitae and want to make it into a great looking resume? Create a professional looking resume with cover letter with the help of Resume Builder.

With more than fifteen styles and numerous professionally designed templates to choose from, creating a great looking resume and cover page takes just minutes. A number of carefully chosen samples of resumes and cover letters quickly teach you how to create a great one for your particular industry.

To make the best impression to your prospective employer, it is essential to create a resume that is not just great looking, but is written clearly and proficiently. A perfect resume contains information about you that may interest the particular employer. Resume Builder allows you to choose what to include in your resume and in what order, allowing you to customize sections such as your biographical data, employment history, references, etc. There are over a dozen sections to include, and there is a spell checker to proof your resume before sending it out.

Are you about to apply for a job abroad? Create a resume in German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, or Italian as easily as you would in English, thanks to Resume Builder's support for these languages.

When you have your resume designed, written and proofed, it's time to send it to prospective employers. No need to compose a number of messages one by one or purchase bulk mailers! Resume Builder can send your resume to as many email addresses as you provide, quickly and efficiently. If your employer accepts FTP uploads, Resume Builder will automate that for you too. If you need your resume on old-fashioned paper, Resume Builder prints it for you as well.

Resume Builder can easily export to HTML, Microsoft Word, HR-XML, and plain text formats.

Windows Nome: Sarmsoft Resume Builder
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 4.5
Dimensione: 13.259 Kb
Produttore: Sarm Software » Tutti i software pubblicati
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