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Outlook Split Personality

Un programma che permette di gestire facilmente i diversi account di posta elettronica utilizzati in Outlook. In particolare Outlook Split Personality permette di assegnare le stesse caratteristiche personali a più indirizzi di posta semplicemente grazie al pulsante integrato 'Send with Personality'.
Il programma è compatibile con Outlook XP, 2003 e 2007 e permette di creare illimitate personalità da associare gli indirizzi email.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
Outlook provides fantastic email management for busy people. But the problem is that regardless of how many different email accounts you pull your emails from into Outlook, you can only send emails out as ONE email address, and with one chosen signature. That's a problem if you have a work email address, home email address, your own business, etc. and you want to send your emails with their own FROM address, signature, etc. for each one of these.

Split Personality is an Outlook AddIn that is compatible with Outlook XP, 2003 and 2007 versions on Windows and allows you to extend Outlook by adding a 'Send with Personality' button on your emails. So rather than clicking SEND and having every outgoing email look the same, SEND WITH PERSONALITY allows you to choose the personality to send the email under and then the email automatically inherits those personality characteristics.

Now the recipient of your email gets it with the right FROM address, the correct REPLY TO address and even a customized Signature at the bottom of your email. You can create an unlimited number of Personalities and you just add one extra click to sending the email and that is to choose the personality to use. Its easy, quick and VERY simple.

Try it today. A FREE 30 day trial version can be downloaded immediately so you can get started.

Windows Nome: Outlook Split Personality
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 1.0.94
Dimensione: 1.283 Kb
Produttore: Tech Solutions USA Inc » Tutti i software pubblicati
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