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TranslateIt! German-English-German

Un traduttore che consente di effettuare interpretazioni dal tedesco all'inglese e dall'inglese al tedesco. Basta puntare il cursore del mouse su una parola sconosciuta e apparirà la traduzione.
Il programma supporta traduzioni di messaggi provenienti dal sistema operativo o di porzioni di testo reperite durante le navigazioni su internet o nella posta elettronica.
Grazie alla funzione "sottolinea e traduci" sarà possibile interpretare intere frasi.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
TranslateIt! is both a handy and effective solution for learning the meaning of new words you come across while working at the computer. It translates words to and from German and English. Just point the mouse at an unknown word and you'll get a translation.

TranslateIt! supports the translation of words in almost any place of your workspace, including message windows and context menus. Not only does TranslateIt! help you out when you work with Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, it also provides the translation when you use Opera and Firefox browsers, MS Office Word and ICQ.

TranslateIt! works in two modes 'Point and translate' and 'Highlight and translate'. 'Point and translate mode' uses a unique 'One touch capture' technology allowing you to get a translation simply by pointing the mouse cursor at an unfamiliar word. You won't have to spend your time and distract yourself, making copy and paste operations, opening a dictionary window, etc. With TranslateIt!, you will get the translation right away, it's very convenient!

If TranslateIt! doesn't have the word you want to translate in the dictionary, it will engage the word-formation module, which modifies the unknown word by adding or changing suffixes and prefixes, so you'll have a chance to get a translation even if the word is not in the database.

If the 'One touch capture' feature doesn't provide a translation, you can resort to 'Highlight and translate' mode. To use this mode, first enable it by pressing the Shift+S hotkey and then just highlight the word and press Ctrl, the translation will pop up. 'Highlight and translate' mode also comes in handy when you need to know the meaning of set expressions or verbs.

TranslateIt! is a convenient context dictionary that works in almost any application and will give you the translation of any new word you stumble upon. It is a real help for users who deal with texts in foreign languages at their work, study or leisure time.

Windows Nome: TranslateIt German English German
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 5.0
Dimensione: 4.991 Kb
Produttore: RealSofts » Tutti i software pubblicati
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