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Netmail permette di gestire e filtrare la posta elettronica sulla base di determinati criteri, sarà per esempio possibile distribuire posta differente su cartelle differenti e ordinarla sulla base delle proprie priorità (mittente, oggetto, data di arrivo).
Il programma consente di gestire più account anche provenienti da diversi ISP, supporta inoltre gli allegati e la ricerca per chiavi.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
Netmail allows automatic sorting of incoming messages based on preset criteria and their placement in individual folders or mailboxes where they can be viewed at a later time. In such a system only those folders can be viewed, for example, where the most important messages are directed.

The mail filter processes incoming messages based on header fields, for example, using the sender's address or the content of the Subject field. Advanced filters can be applied both to any field of the message header or the body of the message itself.

NetMail can store information on many e-mail accounts. If you have several external mailboxes at different ISPs you will not need to enter a new password and adjust the settings every time.

Options are also provided for standard e-mail clients: support of attachments, message sorting by date, subject, address or other fields, message searches based on key words, etc.

Windows Nome: NetMail
Licenza: Freeware
Versione: 9.0
Dimensione: 1.700 Kb
Produttore: InternetSoft Corporation » Tutti i software pubblicati
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