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Turbine Video Encoder

Turbine Video Encoder consente la creazione e l'ottimizzazione di filmati in flash.

Tra le features principali del programma:

- Encodes QuickTime, AVI and MPEG video, as well as several image and audio formats into the ubiquitous Flash format
- Includes sophisticated video compression by using MPEG-like temporal redundancy encoding. All image manipulation is done on the YUV color space
- Bit Rate constraint settings allowing you to encode for specific network types
- Comprehensive encoding settings and a variety of presets will allow you to fully control the quality/size tradeoff
- Include several custom players with links and overlay movies. All the players come with full source to allow further customization and creation of new ones.
- Integrate Flash preloader movies, to provide continuous playback on low bandwidth conditions
- Browse the source video and select the encoding interval on an easy-to-use Timeline interface; or encode from the command prompt
- Automatic SWF file chaining, looping and On Click/On End actions
- Generates Flash movies compatible with Flash 4, 5 and 6 formats (and Flash 3 on some cases)
- Optimizes Flash player memory consumption for encoded movies

Windows Nome: Turbine Video Encoder
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: n/d
Dimensione: 1.400 Kb
Produttore: Blue Pacific Software » Tutti i software pubblicati
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