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DTM Data Modeler

Uno strumento per coloro che sviluppano utilizzando database che supporta sia le tecniche di reverse che di forward engineering.
Si tratta di un programma molto semplice da utilizzare che permette di lavorare sia con modelli di dati fisici che logici salvaguardando le relazioni all'interno delle tabelle.
DTM Data Modeler lavora con uguale versatilità con diverse sorgenti di dati come ODBC, OLE DB, IDAPI o Oracle ed è in grado di creare gli schemi dei database all'interno dei database stessi.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
DTM Data Modeler is a CASE tool for database developers that supports both forward and reverse engineering. It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship (IDEF1X notation) diagram. The product is intended for database architects and developers and works with data sources via the ODBC, OLE DB, IDAPI or Oracle Call Interface, which means compatibility with all modern DBMS. Along with basic model properties (sets of entities and relationships between them), the program allows you to create indexes and triggers on the physical level corresponding to the tables of the database that is modeled. The foreign key migration feature makes schema development easier and more visual and also reduces the probability of errors in the integrity of the model. The program can create database schema objects directly in the database as well as to create SQL scripts corresponding to the model and taking into account the settings specified by the user.
The built-in scale and print tools of the model allow you to get a visual representation of the model in the hard copy form for presenting or discussing it. Powerful reverse-engineering tools make it considerably easier to work with existing databases and also provide easy migration from other tools. Both full and selective generation of model objects is available to the user, which makes the product more flexible.

Windows Nome: DTM Data Modeler
Licenza: Demo
Versione: 1.05.01
Dimensione: 1.273 Kb
Produttore: DTM soft » Tutti i software pubblicati
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