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User Time Administrator

Un programma per limitare il tempo che i più piccoli passano davanti al computer giocando o navigando in internet. User Time Administrator consente di impedire ai bambini di accedere al computer quando dormiamo o siamo fuori casa e permette di definire con esattezza in che ore il Pc può essere utilizzato e per quanto tempo.
E' inoltre possibile impedire l'uso del computer ad un certo utente fino ad una determinata data e analizzare l'attività dei bambini tramite i logs che il programma registra.
User Time Administrator previene la disinstallazione grazie ad una protezione basata su password.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
If you are concerned your child may be spending too much time online or playing games -- or you don't want him/her to use your PC when you're either asleep or away from home -- this type of software offers a solution. It allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the computer or online. User Time Administrator lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week. It automatically logs your child out of their computer when it's time for lights out. Also you can prevent the PC usage until the specified date, after the specified date or between specified dates. User Time Administrator can record all actions to a log file so you will know when and how much your child used the PC. The password control prevents unauthorized users to change settings and uninstall the product, the internal file guard system protects all important files so the program can not be deleted by unwanted person. The multiuser intuitive interface will help you manage this software easy and with pleasure.

Windows Nome: User Time Administrator
Licenza: Shareware
Dimensione: 1.675 Kb
Produttore: 1st Security Software Center » Tutti i software pubblicati
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