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STG FolderPrint Plus

STG FolderPrint Plus consente la visualizzazione e la stampa di cartelle. E' possibile impostare dei filtri per la ricerca ad esempio in base alla data, al nome e alla dimensione dei files.
Il programma produce un output grafico che può essere personalizzato assegnando colori diversi ai differenti contenuti e definendone l'incolonnamento.
STG FolderPrint Plus esegue velocemente scansioni sull'intero hard disk e permette di esportare i report in diversi formati come Excel, HTML, PDF, Text, CSV, JPG o PNG.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
Print and visualize your folders. Find out where your disk space went, or get an easy to read list of all your MP3 files! You can filter by name, date and size to include only the files you want and customize both display and printed output to your taste as you have a lot of options, including colors, fonts, sorting and removing files or columns. Output is highly graphical and includes the file type icons and folder hierarchy. Lists can include MP3, URL and ZIP extra information. It's also very fast, so you can easily scan your whole HD to find out what folders are using more space.You can export to Excel, HTML, PDF, Text, CSV, JPG or PNG. Also includes a multiple file rename tool, with ID3 support and more. Prints CD covers. Special MP3 Copy and Move. Great for system administrators. Scans local and Network drives.

Windows Nome: STG FolderPrint Plus
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 3.30
Dimensione: 4.031 Kb
Produttore: Starglider Systems » Tutti i software pubblicati
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