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BrownRecluse è uno spider che permette di scaricare pagine internet ed effettuare scansioni su interi siti Web. Si basa su un linguaggio proprio denominato SBL (Spider Bot Language) molto semplice da utilizzare.
Sarà possibile creare programmi con poche righe di codice grazie ai quali operare senza dover utilizzare plug-in o add-on aggiuntivi.
Si tratta di un software ideale per coloro che vogliono ricavare il massimo di informazioni possibili riguardanti un sito internet.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
BrownRecluse is a programmable spider. It lets you pull and/or download web pages (or files etc.) and save them to your Hard Drive (or display them) in just a few lines of simple code. It is also used to scan web sites and process the information retrieved, and optionally, create databases of the processed information. But this isn't it. BrownRecluse lets you scan and manipulate the data in every way possible. Unlike normal spiders, BrownRecluse does not need filters, options and plugins to accomplish a task. You program it to make it do just what you want. BrownRecluse lets you write your own scripts, or download already made scripts from our web site. The SBL (Spider Bot Language) was designed by SoftByte Labs which is a very easy to understand (and use) programming language. It uses a variety of features found in Pascal, VB, C++ and javascript to allow any programs to quickly master the language. The language was designed for Internet spidering programs. This means, you do not need to worry about making functions to access the internet, pull web pages or files etc. The language already include everything you need. For example, if you wish to pull a web page and display its source code in the output window, you only need 4 statements. One to create a URL object, one to assign the actual URL to pull, one to get the data, and finally, one to display the data. Use it to retrieve information such as Real Estate agents, online store products, results of an online database search, etc.

Windows Nome: BrownRecluse
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 1.58
Dimensione: 4.280 Kb
Produttore: SoftByte Labs » Tutti i software pubblicati
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