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VirusKeeper 2007 Pro

VirusKeeper 2007 Pro protegge il vostro PC da virus, spyware e altri codici maligni. VirusKeeper 2007 Pro offre una protezione in real-time del proprio sistema contro virus e spyware, una costante protezione mentre si naviga su internet, monitorizza costantemente il proprio PC analizzando processi attivi, files di sistema, registro.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore: VirusKeeper 2007 Pro brings together the best up-to-date technologies to protect against both known and emerging viruses, spyware and other malicious software. VirusKeeper 2007 Pro combines in a single product: a real-time shield; a 7th-generation behavioral analysis engine; real-time spyware detection; an automatic antivirus scanner; a traditional antivirus scanner; an antispyware scanner; constant protection of Internet Explorer and the Windows system files.
It monitors all aspects of your system: running processes, system files, and registry.
VirusKeeper provides maximum protection against all current threats.

Windows Nome: VirusKeeper 2007 Pro
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 7.2.0
Dimensione: 5.047 Kb
Produttore: AxBx » Tutti i software pubblicati
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