Altri OS
GRKda - Keyword Density Analyzer
GRKda assist you in achieving high relevancy cores for your Web Pages in regards to the various search engines by allowing you to analyze and duplicate the Keyword Density "mix" of the top scoring pages... all with just a few easy clicks of the mouse. Because GRKda gives you useful statistical data regarding the keywords in any html file, you can easily engineer your web page's statistical keyword percentage by selecting the precise statistical mix you wish to achieve (combining body, headers, title, comments, meta tags, alt etc..). The most powerful function of the program is the "Compare" feature. GRKda allows you to easily compare your own web page's keyword density with that of your competitor's pages. By analyzing the pages that are scoring high in relevancy on the various search engines, you collect the statistical data that makes it a simple job to duplicate the keyword density mix of the top scoring web pages.
Here are the major GRKda features:
* Support for html files and any other text file. * Display statistic about: title, meta tag keywords/contents, headers, body, comments, alt, reference and links. * Customizable statistic. * Compare files for single or mutliple keywords (phrases). * Highlight repeated meta tag keywords. * Count characters. * Case sensitivity is programmable. * Option to ignore words that are numbers or contain numbers. * Skips words shorten than a specified character count. * Calculate word percentage in every single category. * Print and print preview report. * Export report to Excel.
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