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Music Score Editor

Music Score Editor è un software dedicato alla composizione musicale. Semplice da usare, Music Score Editor offre un'interfaccia user-friendly ed al tempo stesso offre prestazioni professionali.

Music Score Editor è la soluzione più veloce per comporre musica a livello professionale, adatto compositori, musicisti, cantanti, insegnanti di musica e studenti.

Caratteristiche di Music Score Editor indicate dalla software house.

* A wide range of music symbols will enable to edit scores of great quality.
* Music notation input can be performed through the mouse easily.
* Music font can be enlarged or reduced.
* Layout your music score randomly.
* Easy to enter lyric or other text and edit them.
* Abundant music symbol and many kinds of line.
* Zoom in/out your score and edit it accurately.
* Many paper size to select, customize score paper size.
* Save your music score into image file (jpeg format).
* Save and open standard midi format and mmf format for mobile.

Windows Nome: Music Score Editor
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 2.58
Dimensione: 3.087 Kb
Produttore: Ringtone4Me » Tutti i software pubblicati
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